Monday 30 January 2012

February Budget 2012

From now until the end of the school year, I won't be purchasing a monthly bus pass. This is due to the fact that I have every other Friday off from school. Hopefully using tokens will save me some money albeit with less convenience. I should save where I can in terms of transportation, especially when the TTC rang in the new year with a fare hike. Nothing like celebrating 2012 by paying $6 for a round trip on the Rocket right?

Everything else will stay the same because I think I may have finally got my spending under control. Either that or I've just been so swamped with school and work that I haven't really had time to spend money. Judging by the lack of posts, the latter is more likely to be the reason I'm saving money as opposed to the former. Which is good... at least for my wallet, my social life is taking a beating though. That may all change because reading week is in February so I'll see if I can keep up the discipline.

-the Paperboy

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