Sunday, 29 July 2012

Recent Market Plays July 2012

In the month of July, I managed to increase my position in the Canadian Oil Sands. As you may know, the company has recently increased it's dividends distribution so getting more on the cheap is nice. The purchase resulted in a position large enough for my synthetic DRIP to kick in so I'll start seeing some commission-free shares headed my way soon. Somehow I managed to scrounge up enough cash to be able to buy some more shares but I haven't found the right price on anything yet. I'm looking to increase another one of my positions so that I can get another DRIP going but I'm probably going to be doing it in August seeing as there's only 2 trading days left.

I have my eye on a couple of them but if nothing becomes attractive then I'll follow my plan and let the money sit in a bond ETF until I find a deal. The higher yield should offset the commission fees if held in the ETF for long enough. Of course I could always enroll in a Pre-Authorized Cash Contribution so that I automatically add cash to the ETF without having to pay commission. I plan to look into that when I have the time because I think that it will help me execute my plan more efficiently.

-the Paperboy

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